council|councils in English


[coun·cil || 'kaʊnsl]

assembly, board, group of people (gathered to advise, plan, etc.)

Use "council|councils" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "council|councils" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "council|councils", or refer to the context using the word "council|councils" in the English Dictionary.

1. Local councils Wobbly Could a local council go bust?

2. The territorial authorities consist of 13 city councils, 53 district councils, and the Chatham Islands Council.

3. Unlike the Provincial General Council, the Constitution gave town councils great autonomy.

4. The Competitiveness Council is an amalgamation of the previous Councils for the internal market, industry and research.

5. The council was divided into two districts, Broken Arrow and ?? The National Council encouraged smaller councils to merge in order to streamline operations and in 1993, Buttes Area Council, along with Mount Lassen Area

6. That council marked the beginning of an era during which general church councils sought to define dogma ever more precisely.

7. The main decision-making body of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality is the Municipal Council, with members drawn from district councils.

8. Councils can only use Bailiffs to collect business rates or council tax arrears after they have got a liability order against you.

9. In the history of Christianity, the first seven ecumenical Councils include the following: the First Council of Nicaea in 325, the First Council of Constantinople in 381, the Council of Ephesus in 431, the Council of Chalcedon in 451, the Second Council of Constantinople in 553, the Third Council of Constantinople from 680–681 and finally, the Second Council of Nicaea in 787.

10. Councils such as the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council and the Regulation and Supervision Bureau are responsible for infrastructure projects in the city.

11. Transport conjures up images of action and movement, but the Transport Council must be the most inactive of all councils and does absolutely nothing.

12. Women Leaders Join Church Councils

13. Alderman sat in municipal councils.

14. Councils of war never fight.

15. Other regional councils are elected by municipal councils, each municipality sending representatives in proportion to its population.

16. In Roman Catholicism: Ecumenical Councils

17. Properly speaking, the councils of Basle, Ferrara, and Florence constitute but one council, of which several sessions were held in each of these cities, and which is

18. * BRICS STI Advisory Councils Roundtable (Pretoria)

19. Councils and Chapters News To Know

20. In ways the hee-hee council was an Adumbration of the councils of primitive man, and of the great national assemblies and international conventions of latter-day man

21. The elections were for 30 municipal councils.

22. Functioning and funding of Advisory Councils

23. The functions which may be exercised by parish, town and community councils are nearly all concurrent functions with district councils.

24. American Councils for International Education Kosova, Prishtina

25. High spending councils have all been capped.